Finding Freedom

Natolie Webb
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2019
Source: (Picture of a steam train crossing a bridge)

She regarded the little red suitcase as she sat on the platform waiting for the afternoon train. She was pleased to see it had garnered quite a few scuff marks and one prominent dent over the past few days. In her mind, the imperfections did not mar it, but were badges of honor. They were palpable proof of her adventurous nature, finally come to fruition.

She traced the scratches with her finger, remembering how many times she had opened the closet to confront the unblemished surface. It had mocked her until several days ago, when overtaken by a sudden visceral recklessness, she had packed and left without so much as a note. She had no shame, only resentment for the years of loneliness and servitude and a yearning for… something more.

“Traveling alone, Miss?” The conductor lifted her bag onto the train and offered her a white-gloved hand, which she gratefully accepted.

“Yes, Sir. I’m headed to Boulder to visit my brother and his family.” She had kept to a cover story to avoid unwanted questioning.

“Boulder is beautiful this time of year, but the winters are harsh. I hope you aren’t staying too long.” She nodded noncommittally. “If you sit to the left, third seat back, I’ll make sure you are unbothered. There’s a lot of rough men ’round these parts.”

“I appreciate your kindness, Sir.” She sat in the indicated seat and busied herself in her handbag, as if looking for her ticket. In reality she was hoping to hide the creeping flush she knew would start at her neck and redden her face. She would very much like to be bothered by one of those rough men. Thankfully the train’s starting lurch, mercifully interrupted her thought process before it went too far. She sat back, relieved to be underway. Freedom awaited in the west.

