Gather Round Kids, Lazy-Eye Larry’s Got a Story to Tell Ya

L.E. Ataire
Lit Up
Published in
8 min readDec 7, 2018


The tavern on the corner of East and Main was run by a man named Joseph Slonenbakker, but ‘round these parts everybody knew him as Tabby — on account of some exploits he got up to in his youth. But ain’t nobody still alive that could tell you what they was.

Now, Tabby was a good man, an honest and gentle man. Not the type of man that survived long after the Fall. But age has a way of tempering a fellow, and who knows what sort of man ol’ Tabby had been back when people knew the reason for his name.

One thing about Tabby was certain. He had never been inappropriate with any of the children or women he took under his care. He wasn’t the sort and he didn’t tolerate that sort fraternizing with his wards, lest they chose it. It was common knowledge among the townsfolk, that unless you wanted to be sober for the rest of your life, you didn’t mess with those who resided in Tabby’s tavern.

The tavern had a few spare rooms above it, on account of people usin’ to stay there back in the Before. But the Fall left many houses empty and there was never any need to sleep at the tavern. Unless one was sleeping off too much drink.



L.E. Ataire
Lit Up

Faller-downer of Rabbit Holes. 🐇 Historian, Folklorist, Seelie Court Jester. I write speculative fiction.