
Dermott Hayes
Lit Up
Published in
Feb 12, 2024

no remembrance for the forgotten

How Many More…Andy McArt (2023)

Take everything
spoken or written,
toss it in a pot,
with pepper n salt,
Savour the flavour
of wasted time and air,
gently sautéed
until nothing matters,
except the cloying echo
of indifference.

Siri called your number,
you weren’t there,
Siri called another
and another,
they weren’t there.
Adrift in the diminishing spiral,
of mortality,
the walls encroach
the cramped space
you share
with loneliness.

On a forsaken street,
a child crying,
fearsome feral hounds
five family members
endless shrapnel rain,
history heedless to her,
for compassion

As years pass
become a ghost,
not the spiteful sprite
of heedless youth,
but one with baggage
and the painful truth
of time unfolding.
Then share it only
with a few as time
belongs to the future,
not the forgotten.



Dermott Hayes
Lit Up

Novellist, poet, blogger and ex-journalist. ‘If the cap fits.’