
Cole Hardman
Lit Up
Published in
Jan 22, 2021


The quarantine made geckos out of us.
We hid ourselves in our terrarium,
curled beside a plastic log, where the sun-
lamp light kept us safe from pandemonium.

These were the days of geckos in anxious awe.
When my lidless eyes were ravenously
rummaging through the news, and my sticky paws
scrolled in search of our doom, you nuzzled me.

It was the golden age of lonely geckos.
We learned to miss each other, even when
we weren’t apart, so that we wouldn’t forget
the joy of finding ourselves together again.

While we slept, our tails were looped in rings.
We shared the dream of a greater, endless Spring.



Cole Hardman
Lit Up
Writer for

I’m an engineer with a passion for poetry and literary theory.