Growing pains

Lit Up — May’s Prompt: Nostalgia

Indira Reddy
Lit Up
1 min readMay 23, 2018


By Marco Flickr CC BY 2.0

The mirror lies to me daily,
showing me the same familiar face
I saw a few years ago

But, on the inside,
everything’s changed.

There was a time when I knew
with the conviction of hard-headed youth
exactly what I wanted.

And I knew I would
get what I wanted

Now my foundation’s quaking,
shivering with change
as I get more and more unsure

Many old dreams
seem silly now

Some still feel like I should want them
and I’m tired of lying to myself,
but the truth feels like treason, like quitting

Some have morphed into
unrecognisable phantasms

No discernible landmarks remain
in my minds’ landscape,
while on the surface, status quo rules

I’m teetering on the edge of newness
and all I want now is to go back to who I was,
stand rock-solid

instead of slowing sinking
into this quagmire of uncertainty

I scream, Give me back my convictions,
my well-thumbed views and preconceptions
give me my old self back

My lament remains unanswered



Indira Reddy
Lit Up

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…