Guardian Angel

Arun Sankar
Lit Up
Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2018
Photo by myself

It was well past sunset, on that chilling winter evening. The deserted streets cast a sinister shadow to the beautiful old city, even amid its eternal charm. The grazing wind added up to an already freezing semblance.

Fate had always been like an evil spirit to me, rising hard from the abysses of bad luck longing for its unscrupulous vengeance. Everything about me went for a nose dive. Career or love or pride, I felt betrayed by everything in fact. They were all failed attempts to change my destiny, when fate itself hit upon with utmost rage to ravage everything I embraced in life.

Walking down the steps to Louvre Rivolli metro station, there was nothing in my mind other than bitter hatred for life. Everything happened to me in the past 30 years swirled like a maelstrom of emotions inside me. Hatred, lust, greed, pride.

It’s time, time to say “I QUIT”! — I thought.

The platform was so deserted, even the frigid station clock felt ominous to me. I was prepared and steadfast, to embrace the unknown bliss of death. At that moment at least, I wanted to be void of all. I want to erase everything from the slate of my life, and leave no mark of my existence in this world.

Between me and those final moments of pristine solitude stood, a beautiful young lady nestling on to the wall, alone at the other end of the platform.

There was not even the slightest vibe of womanish blush on her face, I noticed. In her eyes, I saw a pool of emotions. So deep to drown anyone who dare gaze at them. Yet she was calm and serene, like a baby in its mother’s lap. Inhaling a cigarette and caressing her curly blond hair with her svelte fingers, she was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life. The fumes she exhaled glowed like heavenly mist in the warmth of yellowish platform lights. With an immense gravity inviolable, she pulled my soul right in to her, like a black hole.

At that moment, I felt like my sorrows were melting down in her alluring aura. She felt so divine; I couldn’t help but glancing at her and thinking about nothing else.

It was dead silence. Other than the shrill noise from the rail tracks which gained in strength every other second, not even a distant echo of the bustling city streets could be heard.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I stood there, trying to learn her eyes. My mind was blank from all the pessimistic thoughts by then. Her aura, like an ethereal angel spread such an aroma that accented the longing to live again. And I couldn’t help but just feeling myself filling with high tides of profuse positiveness.

Slinking forward, she reached the tip of the platform. Looming through the rails, the train became visible between the strands of her beautiful curly hair and the nape of her neck. Its red light felt like the fiery eyes of a ruthless monster. She stared at me, with a tremulous smile. I was confused; did she know I was fixated on her all the time?

The train came closer and closer, with the strength of a thousand horses galloping in symphony. With a wide grin on her face and a chin up in pride, she closed her eyes, as if immersed in a beautiful dream with only a snicker on her face. Without even a hint of trepidation, she slumped on to the rails rift in front of the speeding train.

I could do nothing, for I was startled. The train passed through blazing, like a bullet impaling an air filled balloon. It was just me, and the fading rattles of the track echoing in my ears. And my heart was thumping faster in distress. I was all alone within moments, with nothing but a black void surrounding me. There was no sign of her there anymore, other than the blood stains splattered all over the rails and the platform.

Up the stairs and through the narrow streets I jostled, hasty like a thief trying to escape. Reaching my apartment at the corner of the desolated street, I could do nothing but to slump on my coat and pull myself into the shell of my quilt. Even in the chilling winter night, I could feel the drops of sweat exuding from every inch of my body.

It was all over, like a bewildering dream. Yet her memories were haunting me, like an eerie apparition in the darkness. And in the realm of the night, I succumbed to the sleep which came in like an uninvited guest.

Hours later, came the first ray of light through the windows hitting me like a magic wand of life. I woke up and sat there, astonished about what happened the night before.

She flew away, leaving her aura which brought me back to this world. Or else, I would have been walking through the alleys of the other world, trying to hide in the crowds of human spirits with nothing other than a fistful of sorrows and the folly of another human soul.

I could feel the valor inside me, and the words from my childhood hero — my father echoed in my ears.

“Every human soul has a guardian angel, if not like the one with Snow White wings from the fairy tales,

She can be another human soul watching you every time…

Even though you are unaware of it”

“Grandpa, come on get up get up… you promised me we’ll go for fishing this afternoon”
—Yanking Nathan’s hand from behind, it was Emma — his grand daughter.

“Yes, my dear… let’s go, am always ready!”
— Closing his diary of 1972, Nathan stood up from his easy chair and hugged Emma.

“Oh my sweet sweet grandpa”
— Emma muttered kissing Nathan’s wrinkling palm.

“I’ll go get ready”
— Emma danced away, humming the rhythm of her favorite nursery rhyme.

Taking off his thick spectacles, Nathan contemplated the endless line of mementos ornamenting his wall decors. Being a truthful story teller, everyone adored him. His stories touched many souls. Unsurprisingly, he was bestowed profusely with innumerable awards and recognition.

“Thank you … My Guardian Angel…” — After a moment of blank, he looked up and smiled at the soul of his still unknown guardian angel.




Arun Sankar
Lit Up
Writer for

An earthly being who likes to be an ethereal soul. Someone who loves telling and hearing stories. An avid lover of human emotions and it’s complexities.