Happy hour at the kitchen sink

Hair Scarlett
Lit Up
Published in
Oct 11, 2021
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Sea salt beneath
your running feet.
Sand splashes
on your mulled lips.

The torture of letters, the scourge of rejection.

Missing nibbles
from your pantry.
Astray ice cubes
in your shaker.

The mistreat of demands, the horsewhip of silence.

White and blonde hair
next to my face.
Black nail polish
as shared boldness.

The indulgence of prattle, the joy of spooning.



Hair Scarlett
Lit Up
Writer for

Collecting wtf ingredients in everyday life to cook sassy dishes. Recolectando momentos “peroquécoño” de la vida diaria para cocinar platos descarados.