Hidden Sight — Forest Exchange

A poem

T.S. Narkissa Luna
Lit Up


Let’s meet in a forest,
When night and day is in between,
A time where it’s not what it seems,
Change a choice of tired mornings,
To a bounty of good evenings.

Beyond the peaceful things,
I am still but hidden wraps of sound leaves me,
Where can I say that all will silent,
When silent still holds the whistles to signal —
A voice to the dusk or dawn.

Cottage amongst all the darkness,
Dallied around the mist,
Wisps of old songs,
A drawing of guns,
To stand where the ghost at night had once before.

Aligned of lights,
Where meeting stars with rose-colored trees,
An eruption of dreams —
They’d met in a chaotic peace,
An absent silence,
But beautiful no matter how it mattered —
Not to the rest of the world,
Nor for the pieces of ice hanging from the frozen dreams,
All of what lives on repeat in anyone’s racing mind.

Where the night isn’t over yet,
You’ll still stand and stay,
Moving away into the sea that sways with breeze,
Amongst with skies and pieces of black shade,
A starry overhang with moonlight blessing,
Clinging to a sticky honey night,
All for what had been of my trade.
— —



T.S. Narkissa Luna
Lit Up
Writer for

Poetess & Writer. Mother of the hidden moon. Healing with spilled ink and tears. A soul aged with the things of night. https://www.patreon.com/tsnarkissaluna