High Stakes

Trivikram Prasad
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2018
Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash

In any high stakes game, trust is paramount. The four of us, friends since childhood, grew up together and went into similar professions. Farhan was the smartest of the lot and had the uncanny ability to make the right investment decision. Megha was a shy sort but never balked at collecting rent from her innumerable properties around town. Madhu was the big spender and loved showing off his wealth. I was the sedate banker.

It so happened that we were all working on the same deal together. Despite our friendship, tempers were running high. Madhu and Megha got into a big dispute over some property they both wanted. Farhan and I tried our best to mediate but they wouldn’t stop. In the end I pacified them by agreeing to give out a loan to Madhu and peace returned to our little world.

Over a period of time, I realized my luck was running out. My friends could see it in my eyes. But they did nothing.

I was getting desperate and did the unthinkable. I stole from the bank. I felt guilty but I could not lose the one property I had set my eyes on for a very long time.

When the time came for me to buy it, I produced the cash like it was always there. There was a collective look of disbelief in their eyes.

Megha said what was on everyone’s mind. “I thought you were almost bankrupt.” Her eyes narrowed as she added, “Tell me where you hid the money.”

I closed the board. That was the last time we all played Monopoly together.

The story was in response to a flash fiction contest that required the phrase “Tell me where you hid the money”



Trivikram Prasad
Lit Up
Writer for

A late entrant to singing, technologist, runner, avid reader, and writer(?). Blog at www.trivikramprasad.com. Seek humor in every situation.