Ho, Ho Tinkerbell

Ashley Capes
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readApr 1, 2019
Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash

maybe we can only tinker
with life
and never revitalise it,
never get to ride off into the sunset


just find ourselves consigned to a long series
of minor adjustments,
simply maintain the rut
like a gutter gone to green

wake to the spectre
of rainbows long since gone to ash
and settling to the earth
like little graveside offerings –

yet on the other hand

I still cling to his robes
and manage to drag him back
just a few steps


because I know,
I am sure
that a hundred small things
will always become something bigger



Ashley Capes
Lit Up
Writer for

Australian writer of fantasy fiction, free verse poetry, haiku and other stuff. See more poetry at http://poetry.ashleycapes.com/