I Ride the Ocean Waves

Mauricio Matiz
Lit Up
Published in
Jul 24, 2019


Breakers grind the sand; ocean waves
Photo by Josh Withers on Unsplash

I am a surfer.
Roaring breakers grind the sand
pounding plaintive wounds
on a complacent beach.
The grumbling of debris dissipates
on frothing foamy ribbons,
carrying sand and mollusks long dead
back to the sea.

I am a surfer.
I am a surfer on her belly,
balancing on her hips.
My toes dig for security,
dredge the seabed
disturbing buried treasures
in treacherous waters.
I ride the ocean waves.



Mauricio Matiz
Lit Up
Writer for

The essays, stories, and poems I've released on Medium are collected at The Ink Never Dries (medium.com/matiz).