It’s a party, aren’t you happy?

Free Verse

R Munford
Lit Up
1 min readOct 12, 2019


Photo by Rachel Munford. Use for any other purpose except to accompany this poem.

Let me hide in the sheets
underneath the table
napkins poised for the performance
our hands moved together
mirroring each movement
set our places
use the best silverware
to carve into the steak

I will crawl across the table
Slinking limbs carefully around each dish
Allowing myself to be moved
pushed through the openings
between the tall wooden chairs
keeping my head down

don’t make eye contact

take my place at the kid’s table
they grin at me with blackened teeth

red lips smile in the smoke
whilst lit candles are stuck into sugary cake
a match in the hand
hands poised to strike again

Let me pull off the table cloth
Let the dishes hit the floor
food smeared across stone faces
we don’t speak

we just stare

