Let’s All Go On A Summer Holiday

Lit Up Summer Holiday Prompt

Dermott Hayes
Lit Up
1 min readJun 22, 2022


Midsummer bonfire, North Mayo (Hayes)

Oh welcome dear summer,
with your rush of green and
splendid colour,
were it not for winter
I would sit with you forever
Summer Poem, Ronan Gallagher

Everyone has a summer memory of lazy days of sunshine and flowers, ice cream cones with chocolate melting faster than we can brain freeze, the alluring charred waft of barbecue, golden beaches, stretched in the distance, the promise of wild abandon meeting someone new.
Dig deep and trawl your memories for those periwinkles of your past.
Let’s all go on a Summer Holiday Prompt, tell us your story as flash fiction (less than 1,000 words) or poetry.

Prompt details:

Submissions open: Today
Submissions close: July 17th, 2022

What to submit:
Flash Fiction: Up to 1000 words
Poetry: No form restriction.

Please subtitle your draft: ‘Lit Up Summer Holiday Prompt’ so we can find your submissions in the queue.

If you’re not a Lit Up writer yet, please submit your tales here:



Dermott Hayes
Lit Up

Novellist, poet, blogger and ex-journalist. ‘If the cap fits.’ https://medium.com/@dermotthayes