Liquid Shelves

Free Verse

Stephanie Jackson
Lit Up


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Laughter by the glass, clinks of conversation
Freudian slips rimmed with inebriation.
Modern music mopes historic frames,
Half empties pour the bitters tame.
Advertisement in fallacies, trimmed technique
Pints of cubed glass, full like her physique.

Raspy whispers and motorcycle manners
Counting on closing for numbing banter.
Empty electricity across from blonde highlights
Uptown hopes as internal poverty fights.
For conclusions from ill-prepared,
Blush aspiration sprinting scared.

Cast out shadows, cast out doubt
Hollow encounters, she can do without.
Reflection of resistance for her potential
Unfulfilled in today; a stranger to residential.
Recycled romance from intruding eyes
Roman numeral ploys clocking goodbyes.

Floral companions to top-hatted trophies,
Far from innovators: merely employees.
Sketches of sorrow, alluding to mystery
Small-minded value amounts to consistency.
Some pressed like white ties trust-fund folk,
Rock and roll rebels, bar stool broke.

Pocketed ammunition, safely in measure
Liquored-up longing remains her only treasure.
Chested chariot with steeds trimmed in pearl
Silent accompaniment; she’s simply a girl.
10 - 21 - 19

