Lit Up — April’s Writing Prompt

DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up
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1 min readApr 10, 2021
Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

What can bring us more happiness than a new writing prompt?

Dermott Hayes, our new prompt editor, and I are here, impatiently waiting to welcome your submissions. Our prompts will now be running through each month, the theme will be announced in our monthly newsletters, and your beautiful submissions will be published every Wednesday (and Thursday when there are no Tales in Parts in line for publication).

The prompt for April will be:


During this difficult time, we all seek distraction. What’s yours?

We are looking for:
Flash fiction
(up to 1000 words) and Poetry (our usual standards apply).

How to submit
Through this form:

Prompt FORM

Submissions close: April 26, 2021

Please subtitle your drafts: “Lit Up — April’s Prompt: Distraction”

Note: Lit Up publishes prompt entries every Wednesday (and Thursday when there are no Tales in Parts in line for publication) so make sure you submit in a timely manner as indicated in each prompt announcement.

We can’t wait to read your wonderful tales!

DiAmaya Dawn



DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up
Editor for

Reader, writer, editor, poet, dancer, music addict. Japanophile, pluviophile and attracted by darkness. Part normal, part Greek.