Lit Up Interviews: Meet Our Team

A Few Words With Toni, Our Managing Editor

A Maguire
Lit Up


A Maguire is a professional developmental editor, line editor and book coach, as well as Lit Up’s managing editor, playing the modern game of trying to fit too many things into too small a time frame. Writing is as important as breathing. Family more than both. Farm work is never optional.

AME A Maguire Editing

Either Or
(Please highlight or underline your choice)

  1. Tea or coffee
  2. Hot or cold
  3. Movie or book
  4. Coke or Pepsi
  5. Toilet paper — over or under
  6. Morning person or Night owl
  7. Shower or bath
  8. City or country
  9. Social Media or book
  10. Paperback or ebook

Would you rather
(Please highlight or underline your choice)

  1. Would you rather be in a room full of snakes or a room full of spiders?
  2. Would you rather have an endless summer or an endless winter?
  3. Would you rather have constant nagging pain or a constant itch?
  4. Would you rather only be able to have sex…



A Maguire
Lit Up

Writer, dreamer, developmental editor, book coach, farmer and mother.