Love Is The Canvas We Painted On


Mark Starlin
Lit Up
Published in
Oct 7, 2018


Andre Revilo

Life together began,
a canvas blank

With tentative hands,
we painted blue skies
and sunshine

There was joy in our strokes

Soon mountains appeared,
daunting to climb

Tears smudged the image
Disagreements blemished our art

The work was hard and uneven
Painting together is no simple feat

We persisted

Our skill grew

We began working in unison,
a singular purpose,
two artists becoming one

The painting became more focused,
more detailed

We painted life,
images we would leave behind

A painting our children would hang in their thoughts

We painted memories

We painted us

We painted love



Mark Starlin
Lit Up

Old bones. Young heart. Uniquely arranged words.