My First, My Last

Free Verse — It’s Complicated: Lit Up & TWC Contest

Kimberly Ann (Charbeneau)
Lit Up
2 min readMar 10, 2019


You were my first
In so many ways
The first to capture my heart
The first to teach me
About love
The first to break my heart
And then heal it again
The first to teach me trust
And the pain of it being lost
The first to believe in me
And make me believe in myself

Photo Credit: Kimberly Charbeneau

What burdens we put on each other
So many, many years ago
Too young
To appreciate
To young to know
Life drifted in

New loves
New lives
So many years are gone
But always
That gentle flame
Hidden deep within my soul

Photo Credit Kimberly Charbeneau

For that one breath of air
To fan it to life
Who would have thought
So many years could go by
And it would be like time stood still

Photo Credit Kimberly Charbeneau

Once again
You took my heart
And my breath away
It only took moments
That was all we were given
I was young again
In a way
I thought was forever gone
Hope flared
Trust reborn
Self love
Stirred to life
Only to be dashed away
Silences grew longer
Doubt once again crept in
Sadness and tears
Where did you go?

You were my first
And now my last
We shall never be
Heart broken
Trust shattered
Once again
Not enough
And never
Will I be



Kimberly Ann (Charbeneau)
Lit Up
Writer for

Words From A Jar - poetry, short stories and thoughts about words, emotion, LIFE! Self Publishing Author —