
Free verse

Cathy Shang
Lit Up
Jul 26, 2021


Photo by Dylan Sauerwein on Unsplash

Mad girl, can you hear?
The voices of the water,
calling me home. Pray we
Pray we regret.
And pray I never
slumber with a
mouthful of

Pure love, can you sing?
A song for the bones,
decaying alone. Pray we
Pray we regret.
And pray I lie asunder
With the silence of the dead.
Sweet ghost, didn’t you see?
No ending of our story but corpses overgrown. And thus we mourn,
and thus we grieve
For the souls of the living; a dead girl walking.

Pray we
Pray we
And at last, six feet under;
The finality to our closure.



Cathy Shang
Lit Up
Writer for

Cathy Shang is a sophomore studying in Shanghai. She enjoys creating digital art and animations and is very active in parliamentary debate.