our embrace

Tiziana Arnone
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2023

free verse

i took the picture

And I am hugging you
To give you strength
Now that you
Are about to die.
How do you stay close
To someone who is dying?
You rest your head on his chest
And vanish in his arms,
So that
His heart will not stay behind
And his arms have to hold and discover the intensity they still possess.
And I am hugging you
And in our embrace
I can feel your heart
again and again.
How can you stay close to someone who is about to die?
I can whisper in your ear
My sadness
And I can tell you jokes
And you laugh
And your gaze flutters
With thousand rays of the sun.
And I’m hugging you
looking for relief in your warmth
Now that is almost time to go
and you will be alone
Facing the anguish of a journey with no return.
I whisper to you
The certainty that let you come here
To give me life,
every day, a chance
to learn the greatest joy is
to let go
to let yourself be loved,
to trust,
like you dive back into the sea.
And I am hugging you
And I fade away inside the warmness of your embrace,
because If I get lost
you will come to find me.



Tiziana Arnone
Lit Up
Writer for

“I write what I couldn’t tell anyone”. writer. poet, observer. Relationship. Parenting. Personal Growth. Enchanted with life. Thin Skin/amazon.com