
Lit Up — April’s Prompt: Distraction

Marta Mozolewska
Lit Up


Photo by JillWellington (via pixabay)

She gushes about the pansies
planted in early spring.
How lovely they’ve grown this year.
About this plenty of beige pots
of different patterns and sizes.
About the wide range of flower
colors — royal purple, navy blue,
sunny yellow or dark rusty red!

What she says is wonderful,
but definitely too chaotic.
Her cheeks burn, her hands shake,
her voice trembles, her eyes glow
but avoid meeting mine desperately.
All this seems so very unlike her,
a girl usually as calm as the sea.

No, that can’t be possible!
After everything I’ve done.
Yet I must give it a try.
So I reach out my arms
and draw her near enough
to feel her heartbeat race.

She succumbs and we kiss.
I was right. The pansies were
only a beautiful distraction.
The love of my life wants me back.

©2021 Marta Mozolewska. All rights reserved.



Marta Mozolewska
Lit Up
Writer for

translator, mother of two naughty kids, and writer in the meantime,