Reality’s Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

Lit Up: Spring Prompt — Reality

Elle Fredine
Lit Up


Photo by Robin Schreiner on Unsplash

Reality is a white box.
Four blank walls waiting to be colored in.
Sky for a ceiling — Is the sky the limit?
Four blank walls to splash all over with life.
Plastered with snapshots of your perfectly imperfect family.
God, no, not that.
Too much like FaceBook
Don’t go there
Seriously, don’t —
Go back inside where it’s safe
Back inside the featureless, white box.
In, out, in, out
No point having a panic attack because someone left the door open

I always thought rabbit holes were dark
Well, not the one Alice fell down
But only Disney could make that fall not so frightening

I thought there’d be a thud when I hit bottom
Now, there’s a terrifying thought — am I still falling?

No, no, relax, you’re still in the box
See? Nice white walls
Feel them
Run your hands over their smooth, solid surface.
They’re not



Elle Fredine
Lit Up

West-Coaster, born and bred; Weekly Tales in fiction, dark/horror/fantasy, poetry, humor, feminism, writing, relationships, and love