Running with the Night

Another Lonely Highway

Edd Jennings
Lit Up
Published in
9 min readJun 17, 2020


Another blond, another lonely highway, Ann Francis, Route 66, 1961, Flickr

Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI

Outside in the chill, Perry said, “You don’t want to be on Route 2 tonight in either direction. Taking those two phones out gave us maybe ten minutes before he can get to somewhere to make the call, less time if another customer shows up. There’s usually a deputy and a state trooper somewhere on Route 2 at night. It might not be a good idea to take the chance either of them are close. Follow me.”

To the gates of hell — the expression just popped up in his mind. The call of the siren. When had he been able to resist? Long legs swaying on heels, the motion stirred something old.

Before he climbed up into his truck, he left the man’s phone and phone cord on a rundown once decorative rail fence on the edge of the parking lot.

A half-hour later of high speed driving on an empty road, taking curves faster than he really wanted in his high-centered truck, he followed her up a long driveway to a one story house well out of sight of the main highway, and pulled in behind Perry’s little blue Toyota.

He met her in the yard. “Nice.”

“It’s not mine. I only clean it. My house would be the first place they’d look. I’ve never stayed here, but the…



Edd Jennings
Lit Up

Edd Jennings runs cattle on the banks of the New River in the mountains of Virginia.