
Elizabeth Page
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2019
Photo by Jacky Watt on Unsplash

Worn wood scratched and scathed
Cigarette burns and sharp solid edges
The brood expect to be served
Four stout chairs scrape the surface

Small skeleton keys
Whose ancient locks have long gone astray
They weigh down palms and pockets
Rusty tarnished brass tokens

Dingy darkness pools
The algae’s noxious odor
Warning from the depths below
Still they went wandering in

Back through the garden
Where sunflowers touch the sunset
Their young hands pulpy and pruned
Three stout chairs scrape the surface

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Elizabeth Page
Lit Up
Writer for

Wild writer woman of the north 🇨🇦 #amwriting #writingcommunity #writerslife Student at The Writers Studio #SFU, 2019 CBC Poetry longlister.