She Hunts in Moonlight

Tanja Ramirez
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readNov 28, 2017
Photo by Isi Akahome on Unsplash

She hunts in moonlight;
Orion guides her in the pitch-black night
dogs at his heels, howling into the universe
auroras bright in the winter sky, they traverse
the southern lights; a huntress and her pack

She hunts in moonlight, their cries at her back
piercing the still air, heartbeats silent, trees quiver —
crunch crunch of snow, lucent stars, a sliver
of path is all she sees, bathed in a pale glow
prey before them, she strings arrow to bow

She hunts in moonlight; their prey falls
stars fade into day and their dance halts
beneath the pale light of day. They will feast
and honor the hunt. A homage to the beast
until the last whisper of snow, until the coming of the night —

She hunts in moonlight.



Tanja Ramirez
Lit Up
Writer for

29. Writer. Lover of coffee, tea, my husband and three cats.