
A Letter to the Man I’ll Never Stop Missing

Melissa Singer
Lit Up


Dear Dad,

I only visit this wall once a year,
But constantly your visage reappears
Like a reoccurring dream, you surface.
I wish you were here to see my new purpose.

Sela grows older each day.
I see you in the nature she plays.
Strong and sweet in the way she acts;
I wish she could feel your impact.

You are ingrained in all I am.
Yet I wish I could have your guiding hand.
To help give advice and guide me through .
To see the world I’ve now pursued.

But every day you are with me,
I understand this is how it has to be.
I still feel the pain of you taken from me.
I wish I could have set you free
From all the stress of that disease.
At least I know you’re now at ease.

Today I will live as you once did.
I will relive the memories of being a kid.
Of seeing you be my anchor and rock —
All of life’s wonders that you had unlocked.

Can you hear me from up there?
Is there more advice you wanted to share?
I loved you then and I love you now.
I know we will meet again somehow…



Melissa Singer
Lit Up
Writer for

Community Builder • Poet • Writer of stories on life, loss, and labors of love. Likes tacos, tech + taking naps. Say 👋🏻 Twitter + Insta: @melzinger