Something Not Human

Emma Kind
Lit Up
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2018

My eyes are heavy. Why is it so hard to open my eyes? It’s cold and warm at the same time. Where is this breeze coming from?

I’m trying to sit up, but something holds me down. Am I bound? I force myself to open my eyes. Everything is blurry. Where am I?

I can’t breathe. I’m running out of air. Is this a panic attack? I can’t move my hands and feet. My heart is bouncing in my chest as if it’s going to break out. I’m helpless.

I must calm down. I can’t remember anything which makes me feel even more scared and lost. I’m taking a deep breath, trying not to lose control over my mind.

Is this a cave? I look around. It definitely looks like a cave. I’m lying on something like an altar surrounded by burning candles. Why am I here? What do they want from me?

Maybe I’m sleeping now and this is just a nightmare. A very realistic nightmare, I must admit. I close my eyes in hope to fall asleep again and wake up somewhere else. As soon as I close my eyes, some memories from my life come to my mind. They’re so unclear. I’m trying to connect the pieces of the memories I have.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head. Someone must have hit me hard with something. My headache grows stronger and stronger. Help me. Please.

A fight. I remember a fight. I remember people whom I don’t know. Or, I know them well but can’t remember. They’re running.

“Run! Run! Run!”

I open my eyes. I was asleep. Was it a dream or a memory? I am still bound. I can hear the drops of water hitting the ground. And, I wonder how long can one survive without water.

How long am I here? How long will they keep me here? So many questions with no answers.

A few candles are left. Maybe they will come after me when all the wax runs out.

“Run! Run! Run!”

Again this nightmare. More and more pieces of this puzzle open up. We were running from something. I fell down. They looked at me. I told them to run. I looked back. There was something I can’t remember. Whatever it was, it brought me here and keeps me for some reason. Why?

No candles, no light. I can’t tell whether it’s day or night. And, I don’t care. I can’t think straight. I don’t know what’s real what’s not. Is this the end?

I can’t see clearly in the dark. But I can sense someone’s presence. He’s looking at me from above. I focused my eyes on him, trying to find something familiar. It can’t be real. It’s dark, but I can see that it’s not human, it’s something else. A silhouette of a monster.

It started making a strange noise. Three more creatures are approaching the altar. They are surrounding it and waiting for something. And again that noise breaks through the silence. They hold the altar up.

“What are you doing? Where are you taking me?”

No answer. Only strange noises and footsteps.

The last piece of my memory puzzle comes to my mind.

The Earth is in danger. Is it already destroyed?

