
Special Patient

Lit Up: Mad March Microfiction

Stevie Adler
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2018


“Yes, Doctor. I have a recurring dream. I am a giant ant. A giant green ant, and many normal sized black ants are helping me. What does it mean?”

“Steven, I’ve said this before. Dream interpretation, in isolation, is not a useful diagnostic tool for a psychiatrist. How do you feel when having this dream?”

“Anxious. I looked it up on the internet, and it says, I’m the boss and everyone else is jealous.”

“Steven. Yes, that’s one interpretation. I don’t recollect this particular dream in any of our previous sessions…” There was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

The receptionist walked in, looking around, confused, “Sorry Doctor, I thought I heard voices. Your next appointment is waiting, are you ready?”

The Doctor said, “I’ve got this tune in my head and thought if I said it out loud I might remember the title, but so far it has eluded me. No matter. Next appointment, Mr Jenkins? Give me a couple more minutes to read his notes, then just send him in. Thanks.”

The receptionist left, closing the door behind her.

The Doctor whispered, “She is starting to suspect. I can’t afford to fire another receptionist. We need a proper solution to your problem. How about increasing your medication?”

Steven replied, “Fine by me. It will certainly make me less anxious. But won’t it have the same effect on you? Can you do your job drugged like a zombie?”

The Doctor said, “You are right, as usual. Drugs are not the answer here. We should schedule some hour long talking therapy sessions, instead of these impromptu things. How about seven o’clock tomorrow morning? Well before the receptionist arrives, so we won’t be interrupted. Can you hold on until then? Okay, don’t be late.”

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Stevie Adler

Writer of Microfiction/Flash Fiction. Teller of Tales. Editor. Creator of Informative Articles and Opinionated Blogs.