Photo by Artur Rutkowski on Unsplash


Jen Smat
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readFeb 27, 2019


When it’s simply too cold
to go outside, you recognize

the ghosts stirring in the next room —
opening a cupboard, clattering

a coffee cup, calling your name
in a voice long-ago memorized.

The radiator hisses and groans.
Aloneness is a blanket you cling to

like a lifeline pulled taut
across state lines.

Outside, the November wind
steals leaves and hats,

carries familiar visitors to your door.
It was you who let them in, after all —

without much of a struggle,
to be honest —

a breeze across lips,
a swallowed smile, a sigh.

Oh holy memory,
here I am. Come —

haunt me all you wish.
I promise you this: this time, I’ll stay.

Thanks for reading poetry. The world needs more people like you.



Jen Smat
Lit Up
Writer for

poet & writer. yogi. wanderer boldly going nowhere.