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Sweet Blindness & Bitter Daydreams

J.L. Littlejohn
Lit Up


All the tiny hands
that learn to feed themselves
early on….
unbridle dragons ignited
ㅤ in fearless sleep and dreams
a caress of shade and fronds
of ferns by waters edge
ㅤ ㅤas mothers drown
face down
bourbon burden
… opiate kiss oblivion.
In swaddling
they watch …
the darkness
bridge the sins and the moralless
wager on death
of the pure and the lonely
as they drift
fallen leaves on city streets
in the first of bitter winds.
We tip our brims
to the whims in fate
we are beyond them.

©jef littlejohn 2018



J.L. Littlejohn
Lit Up

Poet/Storyteller ~A Conflict of Words in Tussle With a Pen for a Life of Rhyme. Look for my Poetry on Lit Up