Syllables and Syllabic Verse

Poetry Talks #2

DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up


Image by Lolame from Pixabay

A syllable is a segment of language that consists of a vowel that is pronounced and, sometimes, the consonants immediately preceding or following. A word can be a single syllable or it can be consisting of more syllables.


Red: One syllable that consists of the pronounced vowel <e>, the precedent consonant <r>, and the following consonant <d>. Red is a monosyllabic word because the word itself consists of only one syllable.

Story: Sto-ry
Two syllables: “Sto-” one syllable consisting of one pronounced vowel (<o>) and its two preceding consonants(<s>, <t>). “-ry” one syllable consisting of one pronounced vowel (<y>) and its preceding consonant (<r>).
“Story” is a disyllabic word because it consists of two syllables. *

(In our upcoming poetry workshops we will be more specific and we will provide more information and tools that will help you with syllables.)

Some languages are syllable-timed, which means that the perceived duration of the syllables is roughly equal, while other languages, such as the English, are stress-timed, which means that the perceived time between stressed syllables is equal. We will elaborate on stress in future posts so, for now, let’s just focus on syllables…



DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up
Editor for

Reader, writer, editor, poet, dancer, music addict. Japanophile, pluviophile and attracted by darkness. Part normal, part Greek.