That’s What Daddies Do

A Father’s Day Poem from a father’s perspective

Pat Link
Lit Up
1 min readJun 9, 2018


Photo from Unsplash

I watched you enter this world

Pink and screaming and beautiful

I watched them clean you up and place you at your mother’s breast

My darling wife and my baby girl. A family

I worked sixty hours a week to support you

I helped your mother teach you right from wrong

I put band-aids on your knees and flowers in your hair.

I read you stories till your eyes grew weary

I missed some of your moments growing up because I was busy at work

It’s a sadness I will carry with me but I had to do it.

I watched you on the field at halftime

School logo on your cheek and your hair in a high ponytail

I beamed with pride

I watched you march in cap and gown

I listened to you tell of your trials and gave you the best advice I could

And some day I will place your hand into the hand of another

And give you away

These things all done for one simple reason

That’s what Daddies do.

