The Dust Of My Void

Sravani Saha
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2019


Photo by Ben Scott on Unsplash

That day when I filled my own void
That which held me captive
For days, and weeks, and months,
Moments that whetted their blades against
the skin of my empty heart
Unleashed the waves that followed
White waves of sorrow, sparing the red.

That day when I faced me and we talked
A prisoner to myself, barred
Behind walls of unseen emotions,
Unspoken yet so full of hollowed dreams that
Lived to die premature
Pondering how I would be if I could
die in the womb that carried me.

That day when life stood still watching me
Walk away silent and alone,
carrying the veil of love, the promise
of eternity captured and released in time that
failed to heal forever.
The shroud covered what fluttered,
A free spirit ready to soar.

That day when I stared at my own void
ready for freedom, I filled it
with dark red love from the chasms of
heart, still bubbling, still throbbing with passion.
My body came back
eager to meet the dust of what
remained. Only my void.



Sravani Saha
Lit Up

Author of ‘Yes, The Eggplant is A Chicken’ Humorist, Satirist, Mom, Ex-Googler. Write to me at