The Fractured Unity

The Illusion of Togetherness

Kritika Mehta
Lit Up
2 min read2 days ago


We stand so divided, weaving endless divisions,
Borders drawn by oceans, beliefs, and traditions,
Separate by faith, by blood, by pride,
How long shall we let this discord abide?

The wind whistles freely, heedless of place,
Flowing o’er rooftops, with gentle grace,
It knows no divisions, nor paths to discern,
It’s one with all, as it twists and turns.

Awareness spreads on myriad social plights,
Yet, more scattered are we, despite the lights,
The crimes ever climbing, the numbers a fright,
Human nature, they say, in its murkiest night.

Still, we draw lines, weave tighter knots,
Flags flutter for nations, each with its plots,
Religion, community, each needs its brand,
More lines, more borders across the land.

What then unites us, in truth, I implore,
Is it upliftment, or more walls to explore?
With so much defined to tear us apart,
Where lies the unity of the human heart?

The bridge is turning, and not to our side,
Human to human should be the guide,
One world for the people, one faith of humanity,
For peace of each soul, let’s seek unity.

Will we ever rise, like tides from the sea,
A part of one ocean, where all can be free?
No divisions to sever, no walls to confide,
Together will we stand, with nothing to divide.

Or are we doomed to falter, blinded by pride,
Casting shadows of Babel, with nowhere to hide?

In the quiet of night, as stars gleam above,
Do we seek a world built on unity and love?
Or shall we remain, in this endless divide,
Lost in our folly, where truth is denied?

The hidden meaning, like a whisper in the wind,
Echoes of an age where we once were kind,
Yet, here we stand, divided and torn,
In the dusk of humanity, a new hope must be born.



Kritika Mehta
Lit Up
Writer for

Life's curveballs only strengthened my spirit. Today, I flourish as an author, artist, and connoisseur of life, imparting wisdom on the art of balance.