The Kids of Today

Emma Briggs
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readDec 10, 2018


How is it for you to be to be young right now?
To be freer than we’ve ever been
and yet to know the certainty
that the world will never be the same,
summer and winter will surely change,
one by one disasters will come,
the seas will rise, the coasts retreat,
polar ice will melt away,
so you resist, you fight for your lives
with brave hearts and fear in your eyes
but you know you’ve been betrayed
by the fathers and the mothers
who didn’t care enough to see
the legacy they created.

Like a snowball tumbling down a hill,
it grows and gathers speed,
crushing creatures in its path
while we run behind.
If there’s anyone who can stop it rolling
before it forms an avalanche
it’ll be you, the abandoned kids,
with your fast legs, your energy,
your uninhibited minds,
and your fierce will to survive.



Emma Briggs
Lit Up

Australian writer, environmental activist, hang-gliding assistant & former sailor, journalist & clown. Poetry collection available now.