The Letter N

Lit Up — February’s Prompt: Letters

Lit Up
2 min readFeb 22, 2018


In a way one gains something by becoming more experienced, for although one loses the sweet unrest of impatient longing, one gains a preparedness to make the moment really beautiful.
~ Søren Kierkegaard, the Seducer’s Diary

Thank you for trying to convince me, again and again, to love again.

Though we hardly know each other.

Which is fine though. You’re young and changing. Those who think they know you will also change and so will their opinions of you. The same can be said of you, yourself.

What matters?

Though I’ve said that your past defines you, I forgot to tell you that your present, together with your past, define who you will be. But you’re a smart girl. I believe you already know it. You read the sayings of the wise.

But do you know that not all of your past is relevant to you now? And by the same reasoning, not all of your present is relevant to your future. The same can be said of the persons and their opinions you meet presently. Some of them are irrelevant. If not most. The same goes for the wise sayings. The wise don’t know who you want to be.

Do you?

You’re young and changing.
Who you want to be in the future may be different from
who you will want to be in the future.

What matters?

Your time and body
Choose wisely how you use them and who you share them with
Keep and keep looking for those that are relevant
Let go of those who are not

As for me and love, I think I have to agree with Søren. It is easier for me to fall in love with the feeling and beauty of falling in love, than with someone special. Regardless of her specialty.

I’ll just create beautiful writings for those who value the beauty in a person more than in a moment. Though both are fleeting.

What matters then?

