The Lighthouse Dove

✨ Bridget Webber
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readOct 21, 2018

A poem

I dreamed I was a dove

with white wings tinged red.

I flapped into your lighthouse

and dripped onto your shoes,

spilling into the cracks underfoot.

You gasped, afraid I was dead,

but I wanted to tell you those

feathers, these eyes, that beak,

were part of my suit — the thing

that held me upright and then lay

on the ground, empty, discarded.

You didn’t hear me, so picked and

scraped beneath your feet,

trying to bring me back to life

and all the while I watched from the

ceiling, as you plucked feathers out

the floorboards and grieved over

my crimson coat and wept salty waves

of sadness and tossed little boats

up and down with your heartbeat

until you were too tired to pluck

and scrape and the ocean became still

and the real me flew home.

Copyright © 2018 Bridget Webber. All rights reserved

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✨ Bridget Webber
Lit Up

Former counselor. Spiritual growth, compassion, mindfulness, creativity, and psychology. Support me at