The Mailbag

Lit Up — June’s prompt: Lucky Sentence

Kathy Lee Tolleth
Lit Up
2 min readJun 18, 2018


I cannot really write, but I will send this attempt to write, when there is next opportunity.”

Ahabs Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund


I cannot really write, but I will send this attempt when there is opportunity.

The mailbag comes and goes at irregular intervals, but still no word from you, not even a letter from mom. I have no time to write myself, as they keep us going morning till dark when the bombs start falling. I’m beginning to feel like the outside world is gone, bombed to rubble just like here, it’s been so long since I got a letter from home.

When the bag comes we all wait hushed, listening for our names. The guys that get letters always ruin it for the rest of us by jumping up and cheering. While our faces grow paler, the stack grows smaller and then the sergeant passes up my name.

Listen, honey, I believe in you. I bet I have a pile of letters stacked up somewhere and they just haven’t caught up with me. Sorry I haven’t written more often myself.

I am fine, not a scratch so far, but I don’t want to jinx it. I love you remember that always.

Your loving husband




Kathy Lee Tolleth
Lit Up

Writer, reader, coffee drinker, insomniac, mother of three human beings, pansexual, fan of the soliloquy.