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The Night (A Love Song)

Free Verse— It’s Complicated: Lit Up & The Writing Cooperative Contest

Published in
Mar 30, 2019


The embrace of the night cloaks us,
as it tapers the golden light to ghastly.
Racing from the night’s crushing onslaught,
your grasp keeps my soul from fleeing.

The surging night, a tragic shroud.
Its dampness chills my breath, dulls my senses.
Calm you remain like the sun to come at dawn,
your touch warms me from the inside out.

I toe around blind in the darkness,
tripped by a lack of color on my courage.
With remnants of instincts and devotions kept,
you lead me to your bed on the floor.

We rise and fall with waves of glee
verve tinkers and swerves cumbers,
silver in your ears and sable of your hair,
you simper at the dew on your navel.



Mauricio Matiz
Lit Up
Writer for

The essays, stories, and poems I've released on Medium are collected at The Ink Never Dries (