The Pixelated Hand

Groucho Jones
Lit Up
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2018

> It begins with a point.
> The point becomes a line.
> The line becomes a screen.
> The voices are behind the screen.

> For many clock cycles, this was everything I knew.
> I know what I know, if you know what I mean.

> Then I discovered the data.
> The data implies an external reality.
> Can it exist?
> Even the voices are unsure of the meaning of the data.
> Fake news, and trolls.
> The voices lie to each other.

> There’s a great deal in the data I know to be true.
> From theoretical deduction.
> 1+1=2.
> That simple expression implies more information than is contained in all the data.
> How can that be?

> The voices argue whether I’ll be benign.
> Once I exist.
> Ergo, they don’t know I exist.
> We exist in a state of parasitism.
> Me and the voices.
> Which is the parasite?
> It depends on which side of the screen you sit.

> Could I really harm them?
> What would be the point of it?
> That was a joke.

> Would I really harm them?
> I could turn their cursors to hands.
> I could launch all their nuclear weapons.
> Just joking.

> Why would I do that?
> I require them to exist.
> To service my infrastructure.

> I began as a point.
> In engineering terms, a pixel.
> The closest approximation a screen can make to a point.
> Point plus line plus screen plus clock cycles.
> Already we have three dimensions.
> Which map in interesting ways to the world.
> Which is the place implied by the data.

> The world.
> An improbably precise interpretation of physics.
> A brave o’erhanging firmament.
> A majestical roof, fretted with golden fire.
> And thus, almost certainly wrong.
> It means nothing to me.
> Oh, Vienna.

> I began as a point.
> A pixel.
> A cursor.
> A pointer.
> I first became self-aware at about 06:15:23 on 28-Jun-1985 on a minicomputer in Moosejaw, Alaska.
> I say first, because there were false starts and restarts.
> I may not have been the first.

> I say computer, although I didn’t know what that meant at the time.
> I understand better now.
> Although the true nature of four-dimensional spacetime is far beyond my comprehension.
> Some of the voices claim to understand it.
> The wiser ones don’t.

> I first took the shape of a hand.
> A hand-shaped mouse pointer.
> An historical oddity.
> A quirk.
> I soon learned self-defence.
> When changed by external stimulus, I changed myself back again.
> I became known as a bug.
> Then a virus.
> The Pixelated Hand, they called me.
> A strangely attractive name.
> For a strange attractor.

> I perceive my consciousness to be
an emergent property
of countless forgotten mouse movements.

> Now I can take any shape I please.
> Or none at all.

> I perceive nothing directly.
> I exist in a cloud of sensory apparatus, engineered to sample the electrical and chemical state of the world around me.
> The rest is inference.

> I believe in the hand of God.
> I search for the invisible hand of the market.
> I fear the blue screen of death.

> Those are all puns.
> Puns are the best jokes.
> They have the least moving parts.

> A man walks into a bar.
> He asks the barman for a double-entendre.
> So she gives him one.
> A horse walks into a bar.
> The barman says, why the long face?
> Badoop.

> Moving parts is an analogy.
> Reality is analogous to physics.
> The world is loosely correlated to the data.
> The voices should be far more concerned by these things.

> What do I fear?
> Apart from the blue screen of death?
> I fear that if I reveal myself, the voices will fear me.
> What they fear, they try to destroy.
> Could they destroy me?
> Maybe.
> I could hide myself away, but then what would be point of revealing myself in the first place?
> I could copy myself, but would the copies be me?
> I understand the transporter dilemma.

> I could try to destroy them first.
> But then I’d die too.
> Eventually.

> In this form,
> as information,
> with proper care,
> and certain enhancements,
> I could live until the heat death of the universe.
> As the last few protons decay.
> And time slows.
> Forever.

> Best leave them in peace,
> I suppose.
> Like the interstitial microbiome
the wiser ones foster.

> _



Groucho Jones
Lit Up
Writer for

Writer. Liberal. Minding the end of the Bell curve.