The Reunion

Trivikram Prasad
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2018
Photo by Terra Evans on Unsplash

The triplets had not seen or spoken to each other for thirty years now, the pain still raw. Each was a soaring success in his field. People came from all over the world for the honor of being under William’s scalpel. George started a software company, now worth over a billion dollars. Mick, always the rebel and the artist, a successful musician with multiple hits and awards.

Their father was dying and he had called them all home. He’d refused treatment and had no desire to prolong the inevitable. None of them were close to him as he had never been good to them. He had a vindictive streak, which none of his sons had inherited.

One by one they walked into their ancestral home, trying their best to ignore each other but trying also to be mature about it. After all these years, there was still no way of telling them apart. Old man Theo waited for all them to come in. He had shrunk to half his size and it was hard to tell that that he had once been a giant of a man. Tubes emanated from him and machines blinked data.

He beckoned weakly for all them to come close. His lips moved and they realized it was a smile, though it was more a sneer.

His voice was weak and hoarse. “None of you killed your mother.”

He paused, took a breath and spoke his last words, “It was me.”

This piece was for a flash fiction writing prompt with the theme of a family reunion



Trivikram Prasad
Lit Up
Writer for

A late entrant to singing, technologist, runner, avid reader, and writer(?). Blog at Seek humor in every situation.