The Silence Of The Soul

Zack Kumar
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2018
Photo by Aron on Unsplash

Beyond the turbulent dark veil of sky,
there is a serene blue face where no one can fly.

Lost are they who know nothing of it,
some knowingly dare not soar beyond the mist.

Silence is what they dread the most,
getting lost in noise is what they boast.

He who the most revered among men,
Carried the blood of royal chain.

Fearless and strong was his will,
Beneath the banyan tree he sat still.

Drenched in the rays of the midnight moon,
taking mindful breaths in nature’s tune.

The bodhi leaves whispered in his ears,
all his weakness, misery and fears.

Knowing which he found the way,
experiences that he couldn’t say.

Exalted he was when he heard the silence of the soul,
understood it was the only goal.

Streams of tears flooded his face,
When he soared high in the space,
above the turbulent dark veil of sky,
the serene blue face in front of his eye.

— Poem by a friend of mine



Zack Kumar
Lit Up
Writer for

A fellow traveller on a journey to unravel the mystery of the universe.