Member-only story
The Sunset Matinee: 1
The Stoner Boys got stoned in Stoner Woods, and that was all that anybody figured they would ever do — including the Stoner Boys.
Missy Churmblo would become a psychologist, Joe Maglietti would take over his father’s construction business, and the Stoner Boys would smoke dope in Stoner Woods. Maybe they’d get some poor girl knocked up, work menial jobs, and do a little jail time, just like all the other white trash kids from the Sunset Trailer Park. Not much else was likely to come of them, though.
No, the truth wasn’t pretty, but it was the natural progression of existence. Complaining about that fact was like gazelle complaining about lions: pointless.
At least, that was how people saw things before the Sunset Matinee.
It started on a summer break Sunday with two of the boys reclining in the sun in Stoner Woods, which was really just an acre of trees located in the middle of the Trailer Park.
Wes, with his death metal cap turned backwards and a cluster of acne sprayed over his forehead like buckshot wounds, recounted the tale of his infamous ten-day school suspension. Doug, youngest of all the Stoners at sixteen, did his very best to hide his crooked teeth while simultaneously laughing hysterically.