The Voice Inside My Head

Dermott Hayes
Lit Up
Published in
Jul 19, 2024

nothing’s free, verse

Terrarium (Dermott Hayes)

Why visit my grave?
why talk to me dead?
you never listened,
I never said,
no-one heard
what you thought
or I ever felt,
we were too young,
to be honest,
too scared to care
to do what we knew
we ought to do,
what’s hip?
what’s cool?
what’s in the groove?
until it’s scratched,
worn too loose,
so when lying
in the cold and dirt,
looking at you crying
Winter, softly sighing,
snarl at me,
kick the ground
curse thoughts you have
you never share
‘cuz I could never
listen to anything, anyone
torn, tormented,
voluntarily demented,
no downside,
no off switch,
chamber of senseless garbage,
clamour of tuneless confusion,
a shivering line
of chattering words,
the voice inside my head.



Dermott Hayes
Lit Up

Novellist, poet, blogger and ex-journalist. ‘If the cap fits.’