There’s No F in Faith

Lit Up
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2018
Rachel Pfuetzner — Unsplash

There’s no “f” in faith
Cause there’s no feeling in faith
Feelings do not move mountains
Emotions do not part seas
Cause Faith is attitudinal not emotional
So don’t wait to feel healed, to feel saved, to feel pregnant…
Don’t wait to feel anything,
Just believe cause faith is not a feeling

There’s no “a” in faith
Cause there’s no alternative in faith
Faith doesn’t have a plan B
Confidence in God has no backup
Cause faith is absolute
And God is always the answer, never an option
For my Bible says
We walk by faith not by options

There’s no “i” in faith
Cause there’s no intellect in faith
Faith doesn’t ask how
Cause faith cannot work in the realm of reality
And Abraham considered not his own body now dead
Neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb
Intellect births Ishmael
But faith births Isaac

There’s no “t” in faith
Cause there’s no time in faith
Who against hope believed in hope
That he might become the father of many nations
When he was about an hundred years old
Faith overcomes biological clocks, deadlines, delay…
Faith overcomes time and out waits eternity
Because faith waits still the promise comes

There’s no “h” in faith
Cause there’s no height in faith
God is limitless
Only so that your faith maybe heightless
As far as your eyes can see
So stretched shall your faith be
For thus it is written
Be it unto you according to your faith

So, how then is faith spelt?
Put down an “F” for firmness
Add an “A” for action
Throw in an “I” for imagination
Don’t forget “T” for trust
Then crown it with “H” for happiness
Cause there ain’t no better way
To spell FAITH

