To Cast Aside a Soul

Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
Lit Up


In darkness you allow yourself to breathe
And cast away the day's anxiety
Forlorn and loveless ere you travel now
This town which ransoms souls away for ghosts

For none can see you when you pass their way
Your scholars cloak but ruined, tattered, worn
Though not in service or in accolade
But only what remained to keep you warm

You thought you’d come this way before, survived
Though not despairing of a flowering field
Of future though you failed to plough or seed
And thus knew not the cruel reality

For hope mean naught in streets with cruel jaws wide
Plucked violently from childhood’s uncreased brow
But message clear from birth tile eyes did fade
You never were one to belong revealed

Your soul too precious for one valued not
But only used as a source for other’s fair
Their inner worth in need of bolstering
Destroyed you so their image could be made

A word on lips an offering of love
A drop of water poured into the sea
For words…



Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
Lit Up

I write about behavioral health & other topics. I’m Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press. See my other articles: