Today, I am

Rising through poetry

Wild Flower
Lit Up


Today, I am warrior,
unshackled by
the key to myself.
I am ink splatters
that gratify my face,
muscle well earned,
pumping, bare iron hands
no longer branded.

I am gold shaded bronze
armed with self-assurance
and a lipstick to match.

Today I exist, loudly,
I am heard, I am seen
I am not afraid of it.

I am blue skies,
clouded gently,
I am sun-touched,
spring kissed madness
and I love it!

mountains are tasks on my list,
which has already been ticked.
Intrepid is my name
and if only for today
I am wearing it well.

my torso is elongated
my shoulders firm
and widened,
I am loaded
with the perfect
amount of resistance.



Wild Flower
Lit Up

Jess is my real name. Writing from sandy shores in-between the chaos of life. Community worker by day and P o e t e s s all other times. Journey with me.