
free verse

Annie Caldwell
Lit Up
1 min readOct 15, 2019



Together let’s undress our lives,
untangle the threads that fasten our armor
and let them fall as one —
a shield over the space
between us.
Let’s curl into each other there,
skin to skin,
mingle fingertips
and summon up shivers,
turn whispers into butterflies.

Let’s trace our hearts —
our chinks and cracks and scars —
then peel back the shadows of our years,
layer by layer,
until the vulnerability
of early days is exposed.
When our lingering touch
turns lips to infernos,
and our wild pulses fall into sync,
let’s melt together
and flow, soft like honey, to our cores.

If deep down we find in each other
two souls who want to be loved,
let’s tie them together forever —
yours to mine and mine to yours
and wrap them in new life.



Annie Caldwell
Lit Up
Writer for

Lifelong learner, experimenter, writer and lover of poetry.