
Eftihia Konstantinidou
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2017

I wonder, how does it feel like, when you’re wandering around a naked land.

When the smell of the burned flesh is everywhere, touching the broken hearts of those who remain.

Lifeless silhouettes. Born to be alone, strong and silent.

Those are the real survivors.

They used to be just like us.

They’ve once had a family, a job and a happy life to remember.

Now, they’re just a memory.

A memory of what we’d never have done to save them.

We owe them an answer, don’t we?

Besides, they were also the memory that kept us alive.

We now breathe the air of their freedom.

Dealing with our demons seems like the only choice we have.

I believe in human’s will to serve humanity.

Living in a world that my happiness becomes your pain,

and your ignorance becomes my power, truth is the only weapon left.

There are still people who bloom. They need nothing but a single drop of water to grow and show their importance to the continuation of life.

Those are the real survivors.



Eftihia Konstantinidou
Lit Up
Writer for

Greek journalist, passionate writer, in love with photography, nature addict. Being a perfectionist is not a way of life,but a way of thinking.