Welcome to the World, Adult

Lit Up — April’s Prompt: Transition

Robert Johnson
Lit Up
3 min readApr 24, 2018


“God!” I’m thinking now. “Where do I begin?” I feel like the ‘morning after’, my head pounding, that pang in the gut following a night of serious drinking and dancing, maybe I’ll throw up, except I haven’t had a drop.

My detractors, following high school graduation, had most likely wagered that I would never make it. ‘Showed those bastards. It didn’t matter that I had not a clue on how to study, how to play the higher-education game — all while living on my own for the first time in my life. That still gives me chills when its realization sinks home. You’ve come a long way, Baby! Life sometimes sucks, but at least I now know a few of the ins and outs.

My working two or three outside jobs — restaurant/bar — the usual occupation; then dormitory resident assistant, gave me some ‘get-a-new-piercing’, or ‘get-a-new-tattoo’ fund, but otherwise did little to help my financial situation. Damn, what a life lesson! Maybe that ‘9–5’ life (regardless of the actual schedules) will never cover everything I want or think I need, but what else is there?

Maybe I was nuts to believe that I could cram four years of a degree program into three, plus the jobs, plus the stress and lack of rest — but here I am: The downhill slide through my capstone project and graduation. Some day, I promise myself that I will worry about the chronic diseases and terminal allergies that have been with me forever. I’m not getting any younger and I should have some concern for those medical repairs which may be available to me. But first, I think I must work. That’s what adults do.

I never expected the first of many bump blocks when I started university. Hell, music had been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Playing an instrument in middle-and-high school band all those years, wasn’t that sufficient? Didn’t that qualify me? Eventually becoming an award-winning drum major in an award-winning, performance band, didn’t that clearly show my skills and interest as a music-major and set me up for a brilliant career? Little did I know that there are cruel professors, who relish in drumming out those wet behind the ears frosh from a music programme. In hindsight, maybe I should have sued the bastards, but, then again, why bother? I didn’t have the money for that anyway. I’m probably better off with a broader degree program than the closed world of music. I have no time for or interest in regrets. Stuff happens beyond my control.

When I decided to come out in my first year of university, I am not sure why I decided to use 20–30 hash tags, all saying in one form or another, “I’m really gay” but I did, on Facebook and Insta no less. I lost some friends and gained some others in the weeks and months following. A few old friends wondered why all those social-justice and personal, sexual-identity issues suddenly became topmost on my list at that moment. I’m not sure. Maybe it was my way of creating my own ‘line in the sand’, a shot — a declaration if you will — at a shared identity that had remained hidden for all those years.

My crystal ball has been fuzzy for a good, long while. Is that new-job offer worth the investment of all of me? Should I just stick around in university for my Masters? How many tens of thousands of student debt can I handle now, later? Where-the-hell is that “Reliable Life Lessons and Advice” helpline when you could use it?

Oh, well. Enough of this! I think I’ll have another cigarette and crack that bottle of rum I’ve been saving for a special occasion. Maybe I’ll Snap Cody and see if he wants to help me dispose of it…

With my trademark smile, I’ll make it, after all.

Fiction Life Adult Graduate



Robert Johnson
Lit Up

Reader, blogger, musician and music promoter/event producer. Community activist and educational advocate.